The theme of this album is slowing down, to honor and integrate the experiences of our life, so that we may grow in wisdom, compassion and loving awareness.
For me, these songs have been my integration of this ceremony of life over the past 10 years, through all the joy, pain, grief and praise. My prayer is that these songs bring inspiration, healing and awakening to those who listen. Click here to LISTEN to ALBUM CLICK HERE to receive my free Integration Support Guide |
Change isn’t easy.
Just as it takes time to develop harmful habits and patterns, it also takes time to re-pattern and repair damage that has been done. This requires awareness, and diligent effort to integrate new ways of being- essentially to re-pattern and re-program our lives. It also can require being held accountable, to integrate these new ways of being. The integration of new and beneficial skillsets and mindsets can be a daily practice and the beautiful thing is that YOU get to choose what feels true to YOU. Transformational recovery is a process of integrating new ways of living that can bring the joy and tranquility that your soul yearns for. |
"You can't rush your healing."
Transformational recovery is a process that does not abide by our societal time lines (as much as we would like it to be!) Having compassionate support, witnessing, reflection and accountability in this process and journey of recovery is essential. Transformational Recovery is different from the more common recovery programs "out there" and it can be embraced along with recovery programs such as 12 Step. It involves building the resilience and skills needed to meet the challenges of your life and relationship. It also embraces non-conventional forms of healing, such as working with sacred plant medicines or other psycho-spiritual modalities. It's about doing the inner work and outer work required for true transformation- making the changes in your life that will support your sobriety and bring more love and acceptance of self. The tranquility that one seeks therefore, is "earned" through diligent practice and effort. |
Why Nature? Because we are as much a part of nature as is the hummingbird, the deer or the dolphin. No matter how much our fast paced society works to disconnect us from the “web of life,” we directly depend on nature for our survival because we ARE nature. When we are disconnected from the natural world, we suffer physically, mentally and emotionally. By prioritizing our connection with nature we ensure more health and vitality in our lives and more space for inspiration to fill us. |
Why Ritual?
Rituals help to create a reverent relationship with the sacred rhythms and cycles of life. Because we humans are “creatures of habit,” we can inevitably end up developing certain habits or patterns out of our attempts to cope with our challenges that can end to working against our healing and growth. This is where the power of ritual can play an important role in strengthening our resilience, cultivating and empowering our relationship to life and purpose, and integrating and honoring life’s many transitions. In this fast paced world of daily routines and work, our intentional daily ritual practices can ensure our growth, wellbeing and the potential to make a positive contribution in this world. |
Why Sacred Sound?
Because at the very core essence of all life is vibration (sound).What we call the “universe” is in truth, “one song.” As humans, we utilize sound for our communication, our enjoyment and our healing. However, when used irresponsibly, we can actually cause harm through our words and sound vibrations. Through “sacred sound,” we practice and exercise our abilities to use the power of sound to contribute to healing and growth: We become more careful and intentional with our thoughts and words we “put out there” as well as the vibrations we receive in to our beings. Your voice is a powerful instrument- with the potential to express and create more truth, love and beauty in this world through its sacred words and sounds. |
Get your "NECTARS OF LIFE" water vessel now
from Blue Bottle Love! I am so grateful to be co-creating with Blue Bottle Love and to now offer my custom bottle design on a gorgeous blue glass bottle. <<Click Here>> Bless up your Water with the divine virtues of: TRUTH, LOVE and BEAUTY. My Original Design: A hummingbird tapping into a sacred geometry flower design, which is actually the geometry of the 8 year cycle of Venus around the Sun! And so the energies of this Symbol hold the codes of Venus (Beauty, Creative Arts, Love) as well as the medicine totem of the Hummingbird, a messenger of joy and freedom. Drink Deep in the Nectars of Life. Love, Mary Isis |